Tejero, E. (Eloy)
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- ALONSO DE LA PEÑA MONTENEGRO, Itinerario para párrocos de indios, libs., I-II, Edición crítica por C. BACIERO, M. CORRALES, J.M. GARCÍA AÑOVEROS, F. MASEDA, Corpus Hispanorum de Pace, Segunda Serie, vol. II, tm. I, 698 pp., Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid 1995. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1997) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- CESARE ALZATI (a cura di), Cristianità ed Europa. Miscellanea di studi in onore di Luigi Prosdocimi, 1 vol., 2 tms., Herder, Roma-Freiburg-Wien, 1994, 851 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1996) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- C. MUNIER, Concilia Africae, A. 345-A. 525, 1 vol. de XXXVIII +529 págs., «Corpus Christianorum», Series Latina, CXLIX. Ed. Brepols, Turnhalti, 1974 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1976) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- Martín de Azpilcueta y Erasmo de Rotterdam.(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1992) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012) Tejero, E. (Eloy)Recensión de: "THE PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY OF JOHN PAUL II IN CRACOW SECTION IN TARNÓW, The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, Vol, I, n. 1 (2011), 266 pp. y vol. I n. 2 (2011) 248 pp., Press: Wydawnictwo Polihymnia, Lublin."
- Criterios actuales de la sede apostólica sobre la formación espiritual de los sacerdotes(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1990) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- A. GARCÍA y GARCÍA, La canonística medieval en Galicia, 1 vol. de 76 págs., «Collectanea Scientifica Compostellana», 1, Santiago de Compostela 1981 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1983) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- Antonio VIANA, Territorialidad y personalidad en la organización eclesiástica. El caso de los ordinariatos militares, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra S. A., Pamplona 1992, 312 págs [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1994) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- LUIGI BRESSAN, Il canone tridentino sul divorzio per adulterio e l´interpretazione degli autori, 1 vol. de 366 págs., «Analecta Gregoriana», n.º 194 «Series Facultatis luris Canonici, Sectio B», n. 33, Ed. Università Gregoriana, Roma, 1973 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1974) Tejero, E. (Eloy)
- La sacramentalidad del matrimonio en la historia del pensamiento cristiano(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1974) Tejero, E. (Eloy)Summarium Adversus ulteriorem sacramentorum theologiam, quae sacramenti matrimonii considerationem firmare in e,fficatia intendet, SS. Patres admirabili copia symbolorum declarant matrimonii intimam societatem cum divino proposito salvandi. Ex hac perspectiva matrimonium simul est et mysterium et signum. Ab inicio Deus matrimonium secundum archetypum, quod Prius in intimitate sua custoditum posterius revelatum fuit, ordinavit. Ita mysterium matrimoniale originaliter convertitur in signo magni mysterii Christi sponsi Ecclesiae, simul ac Revelatio divina explicitatur et in Christo cons4/llmatur. Permansio matrimonii per diversas oeconomias salutis -quamvis ordo matrimonialis etiam patiatur diversos status quibus .homo possit inveniri- secum fert quod symbolismum matrimonii ut prophetia, vel typus, vel praefiguratio aut rememoratio magni mysterii Christi prospectum sit. Unitas qua SS. Patres duo contemplantur Testamenta explicat quod symbolismum sacramentorum proicietur per oeconomias salvlficas et quod in matrimonio assurgatur iam ab initio, etenim duobus primis hominibus iam fuit matrimonium, non yero cetera sacramenta. luxta character symbolicum, in doctrina Patrum eminet etiam alius aspectus sacramenti, qui incidit etiam in matrimonium. Significatio sacramenti romani obligationem ante divinitatem implicabat. Permansio huius significationis scriptis christianis, transformatae yero novitate christianismi, nullam post philologica studia thematis dubitationem. of,fert. In hoc sensu inspiciendum est quomodo fontes illius aetatis insistant in relatione matrimoniali configurata mysterio Christi. Matrimonium non est ductilis ad simplex pactum inter partes: custoditur in Christo et in Ecclesia. Ita apparet claraconvenientia inter symbolismum matrimonial e et naturam vinculi unionis sponsatorum. ------------------------------------------------------- Abstract In contrast to a subsequent sacramental theology which tends to focus its attention on the eficacy of the sacrament of matrimony, patristic literature emphasizes, with an admirable richness of symbolism, the intimate relationship that exists between marriage and the divine plan of salvation. From this point of view, marriage is considered at one and the same time under its aspects of mystery and symbol. God instituted ab initio the sacrament of matrimony according to the archetype eternally present in the divine intimacy and finallyrevealed to uS. Thus, the original mystery of matrimony, as divine Revelation becomes more explicit reaching its culmination in Christ, is converted into a symbol ot the great mystery ot Christ united to His Church as spouse to bespoused. The persistence ot marriage in diverse salvific systems (taking in account the various modes of matrimonyrelated to distinct human situations) gives us leave to consider the symbolism ot marriage as prophecy, model, prefigure or reminder ot the profound mystery of Christ. The unanimity with which the Fathers ot the Church have contemplated •rertain aspects of both the Old and the New Testaments demonstrates how sacramental symbolism is projected throughout both salvific systems. Moreover, in the case of matrimony, this symbolism can be tracedab initio, since, unlike the other sacraments, marriage already existed with the first human couple. Nevertheless, along with the symbolic nature of marriage, patristic teachings also emphasize another aspect of the sacramentum which sheds light on the sacrament ot matrimony. The meaning of the latin word usually implied a promise made before a divinity. The perdurance ot this meaning in Christian texts (although transformed by the novelty ot Christian thought) cannot be placed in doubt after a philological study ot the topic. It is in this sen se that we must contemplate the insistence with which the sources of that period related matrimony to the mysteryof Christ. One cannot reduce marriage to a simple contract between two parties: custoditur in Christo et in Ecclesia. Here there appears an obvious relationship between the symbolism of marriage and the nature of the tie which binds the married couple: Sed videndum, ut quomodo inChristo et in Ecclesia Sancta conjunctio est, ita et in viro et in muliere sancta sit copula.