Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica)

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    ¿Cómo hemos adaptado las recomendaciones de los Proyectos Zero durante la pandemia?
    (Elsevier, 2022) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Fernández-Moreno, I. (I.); Álvarez-Lerma, F. (Francisco)
    El impacto negativo de la pandemia sobre las tasas de infecciones controladas ha evidenciado la necesidad de reanudar la aplicación de las recomendaciones de los Proyectos Zero (PZ). En este artículo, en primer lugar, se realiza un análisis de la situación de las unidades de cuidados intensivos de España durante la pandemia. A continuación se presenta la adaptación de las recomendaciones de cada uno de los cuatro PZ y su grado de cumplimiento y riesgo de que existan infecciones relacionadas con dispositivos invasivos y/o bacteriemias multirresistentes. Para ello, se han tenido en cuenta: 1) el documento publicado en octubre de 2020 por el Consejo Asesor del Programa de Seguridad de pacientes críticos, y 2) el estudio exploratorio realizado, un año después, por el Consejo Asesor de los PZ, junto con los líderes de los proyectos de las unidades participantes del registro ENVIN. Por último, y en base a los hallazgos encontrados, se formulan cinco recomendaciones tentativas y prioritarias.
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    Interventions to empower cardiorenal patients: A systematic review
    (Wiley, 2021) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Ania-González, N. (Noelia); Olano-Lizarraga, M. (Maddi)
    Aims: To identify the most effective interventions to empower cardiorenal patients.Design: A systematic review of the literature has been carried out.Data sources: The PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Cochrane databases were re-viewed, and journals in the field were manually searched between January and February 2020.Review methods: Five randomized clinical trials and quasi-experimental studies that met the selection and CONSORT & TREND methodological quality criteria were selected.Results: The evidence supports that there are no existing interventions aimed at em-powering cardiorenal patients. However, the interventions to empower people with chronic kidney disease and heart failure suggest that their integration should address seven domains: patient education, sense of self- management, constructive coping, peer sharing, enablement, self-efficacy and quality of life.Conclusion: A gap has been revealed in the literature regarding the empowerment of cardiorenal patients. This review provides relevant information to help design, imple-ment and evaluate interventions to empower these patients by describing the strate-gies used to empower people experiencing both chronic conditions and the tools used for their assessment.Impact: There is a need for further research to design, implement and evaluate a mul-tidimensional intervention that favours the empowerment of cardiorenal patients by using valid and reliable instruments that measure the domains that constitute it in an integrated manner. Interventions aimed at empowering the cardiorenal patient should include seven domains: patient education, sense of self-management, constructive coping, peer sharing, enablement, self-efficacy and quality of life.
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    Retention of newly graduated registered nurses in the hospital setting: A systematic review
    (Wiley, 2023) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Eseverri-Azcoiti, M.C. (Mari Carmen)
    Background: There is a gap in the literature on identifying and describing effective interventions for the retention of newly graduated registered nurses in hospital set-tings. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic review has been conducted on this issue.Aim: To identify effective interventions that promote the retention of newly gradu-ated registered nurses in the hospital setting and their components.Design: A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA 2020 Statement.Methods: Information derived from the PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, PsycINFO and Cochrane Library databases was reviewed, for the period January 2012–October 2022. Screening, data extraction and quality appraisal were conducted independently by two reviewers. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools were used for descriptive, quasi-experimental and cohort studies. Disagreements between the two reviewers were resolved through discussion.Results: Following the critical appraisal, nine studies were included. The evidence re-veals the heterogeneity of programmes developed in the hospital context to promote the retention of newly graduated registered nurses, clarifies the three competencies to be addressed (core, cross-cutting and specific), their components (programme de-velopment framework, duration, content and support components), and shows sig-nificant improvements after their implementation.Conclusions: This systematic review identifies that either nurse residency or individu-alised mentoring programmes, lasting 1 year, and multi-component, addressing core and specific competencies and including preceptor or mentor components seem to be the most comprehensive and effective in promoting the retention of new nurses in the hospital setting.Relevance to Clinical Practice: The knowledge provided by this review will contrib-ute to developing and implementing more effective and context-specific strategies directed at retaining newly graduated registered nurses and subsequently enhancing patient safety and healthcare costs.No Patient or Public Contribution: Given the study design and focus.
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    El desarrollo del rol avanzado en el área de cardiología a través de la formación de postgrado
    (Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Navarra, 2010) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica)
    La enfermedad cardiovascular es una de las primeras causas de muerte y discapacidad en todo el mundo (OMS 2009). En los últimos años, el número de ingresos se ha duplicado aunque gracias a la efectividad de la cirugía cardiaca, la tasa de mortalidad ha disminuido (OMS 2008). Cabe señalar que este descenso no sólo depende de la cirugía sino también de un adecuado plan de alta del paciente y su familia (Tranmer & Parry 2004). No obstante, la disminución de la estancia hospitalaria ha supuesto que el profesional de enfermería posea menos tiempo para garantizar una preparación óptima del paciente y su familia a casa (Theobald & McMurray 2004, Tranmer & Parry 2004). Múltiples autores ponen de manifiesto que una adecuada planificación del alta favorece la disminución de los reingresos hospitalarios y de los costes, mejora la satisfacción del paciente con el cuidado y la adherencia del paciente al tratamiento1 (Richards & Coast 2003, Shepperd et al. 2004, Lin et al. 2009). Por su parte, Tranmer & Parry (2004) apuntan que las enfermeras de práctica avanzada (EPAs) se encuentran en una posición única para coordinar e implementar la planificación del proceso de transición a casa, ya que tienen un conocimiento exhaustivo de la situación de los pacientes, son capaces de fomentar la comunicación entre una variedad de disciplinas, y están en condiciones de brindar un cuidado holístico. Asimismo, estos autores proponen fututos estudios para evaluar el rol de la EPA en la planificación del alta de los pacientes intervenidos de cirugía cardiaca (Tranmer & Parry 2004). Con esta perspectiva, y aún siendo consciente de la incipiente aparición de este perfil en España, en este capítulo se presenta cómo se ha desarrollado el rol avanzado durante la formación de postgrado y cuál ha sido su implicación en el área de hospitalización de Cardiología.
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    Nurses' protocol-based care decision-making: a multiple case study
    (2020) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Pumar-Mendez, M.J. (María Jesús); Pittiglio, L. (Laura); Oroviogoicoechea, C. (Cristina)
    Aim: To describe and explain nurses' protocol-based care decision-making. Background: Protocol-based care is a strategy to reduce variability in clinical practice. There are no studies looking at protocol-based care decision-making. Understand this process is key to successful implementation. Method: A multiple embedded case study was carried out. Nurses' protocol-based care decision-making was studied in three inpatient wards (medical, surgical and medical-surgical) of a university hospital in northern Spain. Data collection was performed between 2015 and 2016 including documentary analysis, non-participant observations, participant observations and interviews. Analysis of quantitative data involved descriptive statistics and qualitative data was submitted to Burnard's method of content analysis (1996). The data integration comprised the integration of the data set of each case separately and the integration of the findings resulting from the comparison of the cases. The following the thread method of data integration was used for this purpose. The SRQR guideline was used for reporting. Results: The multiple embedded case study revealed protocol-based care decision-making as a linear and variable process that depends on the context and consists of multiple interrelated elements, among which the risk perception is foremost. Conclusion: This study has allowed progress in protocol-based care decision-making characterisation. This knowledge is crucial to support the design of educational and management strategies aimed at implementing protocol-based care. Relevance to clinical practice: Strategies to promote protocol-based care should address the contexts of practice and the ability of professionals' to accurately assess the degree of risk of clinical activity. Hence, it will promote quality of care, patient safety and efficiency in healthcare cost.
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    Emotional intelligence of nurses in intensive care units: A systematic review
    (Elsevier Ltd., 2024) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Sánchez-Mora, M. (Marta); Arboníes-Cabodevilla, A. (Amaya); Lázaro-Álvarez, B. (Beatriz)
    Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand and manage one’s emotions and those of others (Goleman, 2006, p. 128). Recently, this competence has gained particular importance in nursing (Cichon ́ et al., 2023; Page et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2024; Hong & Lee, 2016) due to its positive impact on healthcare professionals, patients and organizations. Studies demonstrate that EI helps mitigate stress and prevent nurse burnout by improving communication and fostering interprofessional relationships (Foji et al., 2020; Kochaksaraei et al., 2020). These benefits extend beyond individual performance to shape the broader practice environment, enhancing patient care safety and quality (Raghubir, 2018). Moreover, EI development is associated with heightened job satisfaction and increased retention rates among healthcare professionals, highlighting its critical role in promoting overall well-being and effectiveness across healthcare settings (Foji et al., 2020; Kochaksaraei et al., 2020; Raghubir, 2018; Sacco et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2024).
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    Real-world and game-based learning to enhance decision-making
    (Elsevier, 2024) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Gómez-Urquiza, J. (José); García-García, R. (Raquel); Regaira-Martínez, E. (Elena)
    Background: The evolving healthcare landscape necessitates highly qualified nurses equipped with a myriad of soft skills, including decision-making. Traditional teaching models have led to innovative, active methods that prioritise student participation and enhance crucial soft skill development, such as decision- making. Considering the recognised importance of improving clinical decision-making skills and the need for innovative training, a literature gap is present in assessing the effect of real world and game-based learning on decision-making abilities. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of real-world and game-based learning, specifically using case-based learning and escape room, on decision-making competence in postgraduate nursing students in academic and clinical settings. Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative intervention study was conducted, combining case-based learning and escape room methods sequentially. Settings: The study was conducted among postgraduate nursing students at the University of Navarra in Spain. Participants: Sixty-six postgraduate nursing students, mostly women, participated in the study. Methods: The study integrated case-based learning and escape room sequentially. Data were collected through an ad hoc online questionnaire, recorded escape times from the escape room, and academic scores. Results: The study enrolled 66 participants with an average professional experience of 4.2 years. Academic results showed high scores in case resolution (average: 8.34) and knowledge tests (average: 9.21). Out of 11 groups, 81.8 % successfully escaped the escape room within 30 min, with positive questionnaire responses indicating enthusiasm, enjoyment and perceived effectiveness of the activities. Conclusions: Real-world and game-based learning significantly enhanced decision-making competence in postgraduate nursing students across academic and clinical settings, demonstrating the importance of diverse teaching methods. Further research, including comparative studies and longitudinal analyses, is needed to evaluate the educational benefits of integrating case-based learning and escape room methods in nurse education and to refine assessment tools while monitoring long-term student progress.
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    Traducción y adaptación transcultural al contexto español del person-centred practice inventory-staff (PCPI-S) para profesionales de la salud
    (2023) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Carvajal-Valcárcel, A. (Ana); Arbea-Moreno, L. (Leire); La-Rosa-Salas, V. (Virginia); McCormack, B. (Brendan); Lizarbe-Chocarro, M. (Marta); Choperena-Armendáriz, A. (Ana); Errasti-Ibarrondo, M.B. (María Begoña); Galán-Espinilla, M.J. (María José); Gavela-Ramos, Y. (Yvonne)
    Background. Person-centred practices - following national and international developments in health-care policies - have become a key approach in healthcare. The Person-Centred Practice Inventory - Staff is an instrument based on the theo-retical framework Person-Centred Practice that focuses on the staff's perspective and how they experience person -cen-tred practices. Here, the aim of this study is to obtain the first Spanish version of the PCPI-S translated and adapted into the Spanish context. Methods. The translation and adaptation of the instrument followed the Translation and Cultural Adaptation of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures - Principles of Good Practice, which included a consulting session with experts. Content va-lidation measures on clarity and relevance were assessed for every item (I-CVI) and the survey as a whole (S-CVI/Ave). Results. No major difficulties were registered to reach an agree-ment on the 12 items that needed to be clarified. Regarding cla-rity and relevance. The validity index per item (I-CVI) obtained excellent scores for clarity in 53 items and for relevance in 59; the S-CVI/Ave showed excellent results (>= 90). Conclusions. This first version of the Person-Centred Practice Inventory - Staff instrument adapted to the Spanish context is conceptually and semantically equivalent to the original one. This valuable tool will be of great help to identify the perception of healthcare professionals on person-centred practices.
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    Una revisión sistemática de las intervenciones para empoderar al paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica en el entorno hospitalario
    (Gobierno de Navarra, 2020) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); Roda-Casado, C. (C.); González-Urmeneta, I. (I.); Pérez-Paloma, P. (Patricia)
    El empoderamiento del paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica (ICC) es clave para mejorar su calidad de vida, autonomía, autoestima, nivel de satisfacción y los costes sanitarios. El objetivo fue identificar las intervenciones de enfermería más efectivas para favorecer el empoderamiento del paciente con ICC en el medio hospitalario. Se seleccionaron ocho artículos para revisión (cuatro experimentales, dos cuasi-experimentales y dos revisiones sistemáticas). De su análisis se identificaron tres tipos de intervenciones: educativas, cognitivo-comportamentales y combinadas, siendo estas últimas las más efectivas. Se recomienda el uso del Empowerment Questionnaire como un instrumento válido y fiable para medir el empoderamiento del paciente con ICC hospitalizado. Dada la escasez de estudios, esta revisión aboga por futuras investigaciones que potencien e incluyan intervenciones combinadas mediante una escala válida, fiable y específica para medir el empoderamiento de los pacientes hospitalizados con ICC.
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    Traducción y adaptación transcultural al contexto español del marco teórico Person-Centred Practice Framework
    (2022) Vazquez-Calatayud, M. (Mónica); La-Rosa-Salas, V. (Virginia); McCormack, B. (Brendan); Carvajal, A. (Ana); Lizarbe-Chocarro, M. (Marta); Choperena-Armendáriz, A. (Ana); Errasti-Ibarrondo, M.B. (María Begoña); Galán-Espinilla, M.J. (María José); Gavela-Ramos, Y. (Yvonne)
    Background. Person-centered care has become a key global approach that seeks to provide answers to all factors of the complex health care-related processes. This has led to the development of theoreti-cal frameworks that represent the components of person-centered care. The internationally recognized Person-Centred Practice Framework (PCPF) (McCormack and McCance) allows multidisciplinary teams to understand and operationalize the dimensions for the development of person-centered care. The aim of this study was to obtain the first Spanish version of the PCPF translated and adapted to the Spanish con-text. Methods. We translated the PCPF following the Translation and cul-tural adaptation process for Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) Measures guidelines. A consulting session with experts was part of the process and content validation on clarity and relevance for each domain was performed. Results. We encountered no significant difficulties to reach agree-ments on most of the terms except for Having a sympathetic presence. Not only was a complex term to translate but also to trans-culturally adapt. Regarding relevance and clarity, the content index by construct (I-CVI) and the global framework (S-CVI/Ave) were consistent with their original counterparts (>= 0.90). Conclusions. The adapted Spanish version is clear, significant, and conceptually equivalent to the original PCPF. It will allow a better com-prehension of the person-centered practice framework in the Spanish context and facilitate the implementation of this approach in clinical practices.